We represent American brands built to serve americans the best.
Our Mission at BizReps
BizReps is a Manufacturer’s Representative for State-of-the-Art Green Energy Lighting, Intelligent Solar Energy Harvesting/ Storage Systems, and Reclaimed Natural Gas-Powered Generators /EV Charging Stations, ALL made in the USA.
BizReps objectives are to help to uncover cost effective solutions together with our collaborators providing turnkey solutions for our commercial and industrial clients to transition toward products that conserve natural resources and reduce environmental consequences.
Our Values at BizReps

We recognize our work is only as good as our last interaction or project. Nothing travels as fast as your reputation, so we take pride in doing the job right the first time. When we make mistakes, we want to be the first ones to own our mistakes – and make it right at the first opportunity. This has been our leading value from the beginning, and it’s what’s helped us stay in business longer than many of our competitors. Integrity still matters, no matter what.

Industry-Leading Excellence
Settling for average results is made for only average people. At BizReps, we know that there’s always a fresh, exciting opportunity to innovate, create, and make new in-roads for the future. With that latest tech constantly disrupting manufacturers, part of our responsibility is leading our industry with the newest ideas and inventions. No coasting allowed.

Made by the American people for the American people
Baseball, apple pie, and “Made in America” – three iconic staples of this land that we love. We believe the U.S. of A. has an extraordinary future ahead, and we’re proud to support the hard-working men and women who make the greatest products on earth inside our shorelines. If any job, problem, or question seems too difficult or impossible overcome, ask an American – and we’ll get the job done.

Environmentally Conscious Craftsmanship
We have only one planet to live on and it’s one of our greatest treasures to protect. If we’re going to create a better future for our kids and grandkids to enjoy, we need to preserve our world with care and proactive measures. That means we work with manufacturers who understand the true value of renewable energy, who are actively working to eliminate carbon waste, and who are mindful of what our work can do to the world around us. This isn’t a dollars-and-cents conversation – it’s a ‘common sense for all of us’ conversation.

Reducing Carbon Consumption
When it comes to energy consumption, our cost-effective technology significantly decreases your carbon footprint, helping your organization become a Green Responsible Organization. We’re able to help you achieve this through our certified vendors’ products where we replace your old fluorescent metal-halide, high-pressure sodium, and incandescent lighting with new, green LED and award-winning solar lighting products.